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How to Live a Nordic Life
You don't need to live in the Nordics to choose a Nordic life, but where do you begin your journey? Let me show you some easy ways to embrace Nordic living and bring it into your own life wherever you are in the world.

How to celebrate your birthday Norwegian style
Norwegians certainly know how to celebrate. Birthdays are organised in a special way, but we can do the same wherever we are in the world.

Velkommen februar, Welcome February!
February is such a romantic sounding month. It has the promise of an early spring, longer days and the romance of Valentine's Day. In...

Uncovering the Secrets of Scandinavian Winter Wellness for a Healthier You!
Enjoying winter also means being healthy through it regardless of the weather. Let's look at how Nordic people embrace winter wellness

10 Ways to Make Life Lovely
What if I told you that you didn't need to spend time wishing your life was like someone else's? You already have a lovely life right now

You Don't Need to be Perfect
Life is not perfect and you don't need to be either. Despite what we see on social media you are enough as you are. Let me tell you why

The Top Living a Nordic Life Podcasts of 2024
Welcome January and 2025!! At the beginning of the month I usually write an article for my VIP membership readers that focusses on the...

Romjul, a very Nordic Post-Christmas tradition
Romjul is the relaxing and slow time after Christmas, but before New Year. In the Nordics it's marked in a special way

The Icelandic Yule Cat - not as fluffy as you might think!!
The Icelandic legend of the yule cat is not the cosy Christmas fireside tale you might hope for. It's a piece of scary Nordic noir

A Koselig Jul, A Cosy Nordic Christmas
I know that as soon as I mention Christmas in the Nordics it conjures up a picture of snow-covered wooden houses, long evenings, crisp...

Gløgg, Scandinavian Hot Mulled Wine
A Nordic Christmas is not complete without a delicious warming cup of gløgg or mulled wine. It's so easy to make ourselves.

The lovely simplicity of Nordic Christmas Decor
I've noticed a move in recent years from the shiny plastic, glittery Christmas decorations to the more natural, simple, Nordic style. ...

The Secret of Lagom: The art of Embracing Just the Right Amount
Lagom, how to have not too little, but not too much. The Swedes seem to do it effortlessly, and so can you wherver you are in the world

Velkommen desember, Welcome December!
Welcome to the cosiest of cosy months in the Nordics. December is all about Christmas, snow and cosiness.

Elevate Your Dining with Linen Tableware
Linen table ware is a beautiful simple luxury that we can enjoy everyday and can elevate our daily dining to something special

Uncover the Enigmatic Origins of Norwegian Rosemaling: A Colorful Journey Through History
The beautiful art of rosemaling is so typically Norwegian. This unique style of painting on wood has a rich and exciting history

10 Unusual Facts About Stockholm You Never Knew!
Stockholm, Sweden's shimmering capital, is more than just beautiful views and rich history. It hides fascinating facts that many tourists...

How to Have Some Winter Nordic Hygge
As winter approaches it's time to think about embracing hygge and making our lives more cosy.

How to Start Embracing a Simpler Life
In this pressured and busy world, simple living is becoming ever more appealing. How do we start to live a simpler life? Let me show you

Velkommen november! Welcome November!
Welcome November, the first winter month in the northern hemisphere.
Here's a round up of the simple pleasures we enjoy in Norway this month

Norwegian Melkerampe; a Nostalgic Piece of Social History
Melkerampe are inconspicuous little buildings that often grace farms entrances, but they hold a great deal of importance in farming history

The Cosy Beauty of Swedish Fika
We have all heard of fika, but what exactly is it, and how can we bring this beloved Swedish tradition into our own lives

How to Infuse Your Life with Unbeatable Nordic Energy
The Nordics is place filled with gentle and powerful energy and positivity. We can bring that into our lives wherever we are in the world

Lutefisk, love it or hate it
Lutefisk is a typically Nordic food, but can be a great divider. In Norway you either love it or hate it. But what is it??

Velkommen oktober, Welcome October!
Welcome to the heart of autumn in the Nordics!

Eblemosz, a Danish recipe from 1616
This delicious and historic recipe is a wonderful celebration of autumn's favourite fruit, the apple

Do you ever feel like you're being watched?
Have you heard of social cooling? It's all about that horrible feeling that you are being watched when you are on social media or online....

Fun Autumn Activities that are Simple or Free
The simplest pleasures are often the best and autumn is a time to make the most of some activities that are simple or free (or both!)

Why do Norwegians celebrate food with special days?
In Norway it seems like each food has its own day of celebration from apples to fårikål. It's a simple way to enjoy seasonal produce.

Is Procrastination Actually a Good Thing or Just a Time Waster?
Is procrastination one of life's terrible enemies, or can it actually be beneficial to our health?

10 Revolutionary Norwegian Inventions That Changed the World
Norway has more to offer the world than vikings, lutefisk and brown cheese. Here are some of the most amazing Norwegian inventions

Velkommen september, Welcome September
Velkommen høst, welcome autumn! September is really the first official autumn month in the Nordics. For a few weeks, the weather has...

How Norway Has Quietly Become the World Leader in Electric Cars
Norway is the world leader in electric cars with more per capita than an other nation. But why are they so popular?

Skolestart - Back to school in Norway
It's skolestart (school start) in Norway and time to get ready for some new routines and changes. What can you expect at school in Norway?

Ever Tried a Triathlon in Norway? Get Ready for a Wild Ride!
Norwegian triathlons are considered the most challenging in the world. Taking place in amazing scenery and with tough courses.

Blåbærsuppe (blueberry soup)
A simple and very traditionally Nordic way of serving berries. After a day in the forest blåbærsuppe is the perfect snack

A Story of Friendship and Enduring Love
A story of love, sisterhood and lifelong friendship between the most unexpected of creatures.

Louhisaaren Juoma (Finnish blackcurrant leaf drink)
This unusual sparkling Finnish drink use blackcurrant leaves for a delicious and refreshing flavour that is a reminder of summer days

Velkommen august, Welcome August
Velkommen august, welcome August! Let's look forward to what the month has to offer in its gentle way here in the Nordics

Bring some hygge magic to your next adventure
Hygge is something we can bring with us everywhere we go, even on camping trips. I have some tips to make your next trip extra cosy

Italiensk Salat, a taste of Norway
Despite it's name Italiensk salat does not come from Italy. It's a Norwegian classic that most people in Norway eat at least weekly.

Vi elsker iskrem! We love icecream
You might not associate ice-cream with the Nordics, but it's a treat that's been enjoyed here for more than 100 years.

Life on the Water
From the time of the vikings Nordic people have had a connection to the water and it's part of everyday modern life

Velkommen juli, Welcome July
Welcome to July in the Nordics and all the wonderful things we can expect to enjoy in the heart of summer

Sørlandsbolle (chocolate covered vanilla cream bun)
Sørlandsboller are a speciality from southern Norway. A soft cardamom bun is filled with vanilla custard and topped with chocolate icing.

5 Reasons to visit southern Norway
Visitors to Norway often rush straight to Oslo, bergen or Stavanger. But southern Norway is a special place of history, culture and scenery

Midsummer traditions in Scandinavia
Midsummer in Scandinavia is magical to say the least and each country celebrates in a slightly different way

Nordic Raspberry Summer Cake (Bringebær Kvæfjordkake)
Raspberries, soft sponge, meringue and cream - what's not to love! A slice of cake outside in the summer is the perfect hygge experience

Spekemat, the Norwegian charcuterie board
Spekemat is the Norwegian version of the charcuterie board, but it's been around a lot longer than the latest fad.

An unexpected passing....
There are moments in life when we feel loss more than others, but we can look at it in a different way to simply a huge loss.

The Konfirmasjon (the confirmation)
In April, May and June the churches are full of people in national dress celebrating confirmations. This old tradition is a coming of age
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