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Living a Nordic Life
Welcome to Living A Nordic Life, helping you live a Nordic Life, wherever you are.
From my home in southern Norway I'd love to share my Nordic lifestyle, cooking and surroundings with you, and show you how I have discovered that you don't need to live in Norway to enjoy and embrace a Nordic lifestyle and way of living.

Fiona McKinna
Feb 32 min read
Blåsmesse, a very strange day that marks windy weather
One thing I learnt when I first moved to Norway was that people here rally like to celebrate any special day that comes along. This has...
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Fiona McKinna
Jan 263 min read
PÃ¥lsmesse, a Special Day on the Runic Calendar
The Nordic primstav or calendar stick is a special part of Norwegian culture with important days still marked today
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Fiona McKinna
Sep 16, 20243 min read
Why do Norwegians celebrate food with special days?
In Norway it seems like each food has its own day of celebration from apples to fårikål. It's a simple way to enjoy seasonal produce.
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Fiona McKinna
Jun 17, 20246 min read
Midsummer traditions in Scandinavia
Midsummer in Scandinavia is magical to say the least and each country celebrates in a slightly different way
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Fiona McKinna
Mar 18, 20244 min read
Nordic Easter traditions you may not have heard of
Easter is a time for slowing down a little in the Nordics and enjoying the arrival of spring with some more unusual traditions and habits
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Fiona McKinna
Sep 14, 20223 min read
Bløtkake med Tyttebær og Honning (Cream Cake with Lingonberries & Honey)
Lingonberries and honey are a treasure of early autumn in Scandinavia and this cake combines a Norwegian favourite and these seasonal treats
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Fiona McKinna
Jul 14, 20223 min read
Potetsalat (Norwegian Potato Salad)
Are you ready for a super-simple summer dish? Potetsalat (potato salad) is a classic on every Norwegian summer table.
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Fiona McKinna
Oct 9, 20213 min read
Dinesmesse & a Recipe for Karrisild (Curried Herring)
Dinesmesse is not only St Denis' day but also the time when the herring is at it's fattest. I am sharing a delicious and unusual recipe
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Fiona McKinna
Oct 7, 20213 min read
Britemesse or KÃ¥ldagen & a Traditional Recipe
Britemesse is the day on the ancient primstav to commemorate St Birgitte. But it is also a known as KÃ¥ldagen (Cabbage Day) for good reason
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Fiona McKinna
Jul 29, 20213 min read
Bringebærdessert (Raspberry Dessert) to Celebrate Olsok
29 July is a day when we commemorate the Viking King Olaf the Holy. To celebrate I have a light and delicious raspberry dessert to share
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Fiona McKinna
Jun 21, 20213 min read
How to Celebrate Midsommar Like a Norwegian
Sankthans is a high point of summer celebrations in Norway and something we all look forward to. I've shared a few ideas for you to join in
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Fiona McKinna
May 1, 20212 min read
Gauksmesse and a Meal of Nordic Simplicity
Gauksmesse is a day that is celebrated on 1 May in Norway and is still a public holiday even now. The celebration dates back to pagan times
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Fiona McKinna
Apr 14, 20213 min read
Sommerdag and a Recipe for Fløyelsgrøt
Sommerdag, or Summers Day on 14 April, is considered to be the first day of the start of the Nordic summer half of the year and is a...
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Fiona McKinna
Mar 25, 20213 min read
Marimesse om VÃ¥ren, and a Recipe for Rullekake
Marimesse om våren (Mary's Message Day or Spring Mass, also known as the Annunciation) is a holy day on the primstav commemorating the...
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Fiona McKinna
Mar 12, 20211 min read
Gregorsmesse, The Primstav Day When We Look for Spring
Gregorsmesse is named for Gregor the Great
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Fiona McKinna
Feb 12, 20213 min read
Fastelavnsboller, the Norwegian Shrovetide Speciality
Fastelavnsboller are a sweet cardamom bun filed with jam and cream that are served at Lent in Norway. I have shared my recipe for them here
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Fiona McKinna
Feb 3, 20212 min read
Blåsmesse on the Primstav
Blåsmesse is a special day on the Nordic Primstav that falls on 3 February
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Fiona McKinna
Jan 13, 20213 min read
Rømmegrøt and Tjuendedagen on the Primstav
Rømmegrøt is a delicous sour cream porridge that is very typical of Norwegian cuisine. It is usually served with cured meats.
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Fiona McKinna
Jan 12, 20211 min read
Midtvinter, Midwinters Day
Midwinters Day on the primstav is marked by the symbol of the bear. You must be cautious not to wake it!!
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Fiona McKinna
Jan 11, 20213 min read
Bløtkake, Norway's Celebration Cake, For Brettemesse
Bløtkake is a light sponge cake filled with cream and berries that is seen on almost every Norwegian dessert table at celebrations
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