The Nordic countries and Nordic living have shown no signs of slowing down in their popularity in 2023. In part it seems to be that so many people are realising that a life of slow, intention is something that can be savoured and most importantly, achieved. The fashion for "busy-ness" and rushing about all over the place is long gone and we can all choose to live a life we want to live, a carefully curated life that has slow, gentle meaning.
I love looking though the year's blog posts and seeing what has interested you the most. Sometimes there are posts that are perennial favourites (like my fyrstekake recipe), but once again the focus has been on simplicity. The simplicity we embrace in living and simple traditional cooking.
It's all been a wonderful journey to Nordic traditions both in the way we live and the way we cook, keeping close to us those things that have been so important for generations previously and connect many people with their heritage.
Living a Nordic Life Most Read Posts of 2023
This year has been such a fun year and an even greater chance to share Nordic living with you all. In May I launched the Living a Nordic Life podcast and it has proven to be really popular. I'll be continuing to share ways in which you can bring simple, intentional Nordic living into your own life and I hope you will join me as together we embrace ways to live a little more Nordicly.
Don't forget that Living a Nordic Life also has a wonderful community on Facebook. If you are not member, do come and join us; we would be delighted to meet you.