G-LYT65DJ8Q1 Kladdkaka med apelsin (Swedish sticky chocolate cake with orange)
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Kladdkaka med apelsin (Swedish sticky chocolate cake with orange)

I couldn't let Easter pass without creating a recipe that pairs those two popular Nordic Easter ingredients - chocolate and orange. To me the ultimate indulgent chocolate cake has to be kladdkaka or Swedish gooey chocolate cake. It's dense, rich and delicious and a little goes a long way.

The history of kladdkaka seems a little patchy and there is no doubt that it appears in many different forms throughout the world. One story tells of food writer Margarethe Wickman ordering a chocolate cake whilst sitting outside a cafe in Paris watching the world go by. The cake was so delicious that she immediately asked for the recipe, brought it back home to Sweden and published it in a magazine. It became instantly popular.

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