Strolling through the streets of Oslo, feeling the sand on your feet on a deserted Danish beach or enjoying a cold beer whilst watching the world go by on brygge in Bergen may not be an option, but we can bring a little piece of Scandinavia to us wherever we are in the world.
Get ready for my suggestions to bring Scandinavia to you and your home in a few simple and gentle ways

Pick some wild flowers and bring them inside
Summer in Scandinavia sees wild flowers everywhere. The roadside verges are covered, meadows and woodlands burst into flower. It's perfectly normal here to pick a few wild flowers to bring a bit of nature inside your home. But always check that you are not picking something that's rare or prohibited.
Enjoy a Nordic breakfast
Everyday Scandinavian breakfasts are simple and healthy. Knekkebrød (crispbread) or a slice of nice wholemeal bread is something that is the staple of most Scandinavian breakfasts. Top this with a choice of cold cuts or smoked fish, like salmon or slices of hard boiled egg and a a few slices of cucumber or tomato. And a coffee is a must!

Drink a black coffee
There is more coffee drunk in Scandinavia than anywhere else and Scandinavians on the whole like to drink it black. It's not a very strong coffee like an Italian espresso, but it's black nonetheless and plenty of it throughout the day. If you want to take it to the next level, have your coffee mid morning, sit down for a few minutes of quiet peace, have a slice of cake with a friend and you have a Swedish "fika".

Light a candle
Candles are a natural part of Scandinavian decor in the darker months. They are sold in every shop and you'll find them in every home. They come in every colour and size, but they are usually just a simple straight candle - fancy candles or scented candles are not terribly popular in Scandinavia. To bring a little Scandinavia into your home light a few candles on windowsills (as is traditional) or on your doorstep.

Scandify your decor
Scandinavian decor colours are always muted greys, blues, greens and natural colours. There is much less light in the winter and so colours lean towards the paler end to reflect light back into the home.
Simplicity is also key. Clutter is not something you normally see in Scandinavian homes. A calm space with a "less is more" philosophy is the norm even in more traditional and rustic homes and "hytter" (cabins).
Bake a cake
It might surprise you to learn that Scandinavians LOVE cakes! We usually think of very healthy, seasonal food when we think of Scandinavia, but I can promise you that cakes feature very strongly in any Scandinavian home. No party or event is complete without a "kakebord" (cake table) and eating a slice of cake is a treat we can happily give ourselves, especially if we are being very Scandinavian and getting some friluftsliv at some point. Guilt has no place here!

Watch a Nordic noir series
It might not seem very "koselig" (cosy) to watch Nordic noir, but it's very popular in Scandinavia (of course!). Nordic noir gives us a bit of Scandi escapism and a chance to be the detective. And of course, there are the views of Scandinavia too. Our favourites are Wisting and The Bridge.
Even the everyday can feel Scandinavian if we choose it to be. How will you Scandify your everyday?
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Lovely, just pure joy