Camping can be a huge amount of fun and if you are backpacking from one place to another you want to keep the amont of weight you are carrying to a minimum. But there are times when we are camping for longer or simply want to add a little bit of hygge, cosiness and glamour to our camping trips.
Hygge is that famous Danish way of making the most of even the simplest things. It's often about cosiness but it can be anything you want it to be and for some people that can be getting back to basics with your camping trip and getting out into nature with no mod cons at all, but for the purposes of this article we are going to look at the more glamourous ways to bring some cosiness and "koselig" to our camping trips. If you feel that carrying all this might be too much then why not set up the tent somewhere close to your car or in your garden (if you have one) or on your terrace. There are no hard and fast rules for camping. You do what feels right for you and don't forget to enjoy yourself!
How can we bring some hygge magic to our camping trip?

String up a few fairy lights
The twinkling of fairy lights is not just for Christmas. I keep mine up in the garden all year round and they are frequently brought out to make life a little prettier. Drape some fairy lights inside your tent or across the door to create a moment of beauty as the night draws in. Go for battery lights rather than hoping to charge up solar ones.
Hang some bunting
I would put bunting up anywhere and everywhere. I blame my nationality. I am British after all and we never have any kind of event without bunting. I've taken it a step further though I use bunting in the garden all through the summer. A short length of bunting is perfect to carry with your tent and string across from a tent pole to a nearby tree to add a festive feel to your camping trip. If you want to learn how to make your own bunting, I have a tutorial right here.

Throw down a cosy rug
We don't have to rough it on the hard ground do we? A small blanket or lightweight rug is a simple luxury to carry with us and throw on the ground to make your tent even cosier. Think of something like a woolen picnic rug with tassels on the ends or if you are feeling very Nordic a reindeer skin or a sheepskin (real or faux).

Use pretty crockery
We have to eat off something so why not make it cute. There are some fabulous melamine and plastic crockery options made for camping and in the most beautiful designs. They are very lightweight and extremely durable (I am using my parent's melamine camping set from 40 years ago and it's still going strong). Eating off something stylish and nostalgic does wonders to raise your base level of happiness.

Enjoy your favourite foods
Camping is a bit of an event so we don't need to eat the same as we would at home. Take a favourite food with you to make the trip something memorable. Do as much preparation as you can home before you go though. It will make life easier and more fun when you cook outside your tent. Here is the recipe for the apple cake above.

Take a good book
Putting technology away (apart from a few photos) is good for our mental health and a camping trip is the ideal place to do that. Search out a good book and save it for your trip. You will be looking forward to reading it and what could add more romance to your life than sitting in the peace of nature outside your fairy-light lit tent reading a lovely book.

Savour an indulgent hot drink
Now id the time for a favourite like Norwegian hot chocolate or a delicious flavoured coffee or a favourite herbal tea. If there is preparation to be done aside from heating it up do that a home and put the drink in a bottle ready to be warmed. Bring a special mug with you too to make it even more memorable. In the colder months my favourite is a delicious and indulgent Norwegian hot chocolate.

Make it cosy with an aesthetic blanket
Not all camping trips are warm and if you are camping in the late summer or early spring you might find that the evenings are cooler and you need a cosy blanket to wrap yourself in. I know that fleece blankets are very lightweight to carry but there is a pleasing aesthetic to a beautifully knitted blanket, and we are trying to add some hygge to our trip afterall.
Make time for an easy to carry craft
My girls love to do crafts out in nature. Maybe it helps us be more creative. Long evenings camping are a great time to do some simple crafts. Papercraft is perfect or some scrapbooking, or maybe a little artwork or writing in a journal. Knitting, crochet and needlework are great craft options on the go as well. Try to keep the equipment to a minimum to make it easier to carry, so that tapestry you are embroidering, and the quilting might have to wait at home!
Have I given you some inspiration to add a little bit of Nordic hygge to your next camping trip? I hope so. It's a great chance to make the most of those special little moments.